How to Run a Basic SEO Audit on Your Website

If you’re ready to see your website climb the search engine rankings, it’s time for an SEO audit. This analyzes your site from Google’s perspective, identifying what’s working well and what needs fixing to boost your rankings. In this guide, I’ll show you how to use two awesome free tools and one bonus tip to get a handle on how your site looks to search engines.

What is an SEO Audit?

An SEO audit helps you figure out why your website might not be ranking as high as you’d like. Search engines like Google look at over 200 factors when deciding where your website appears in search results. An SEO audit tool simplifies this, giving you a list of issues to fix and showing you where your site shines.

Tool #1: SEO Optimer

  • User-Friendly: SEO Optimer is the perfect starting point. It’s great for beginners with its clear explanations.
  • Focus: Runs the SEO audit on a specific page (like your homepage).
  • How to Use It:
    1. Visit the SEO Optimer website (I’ll link it below).
    2. Enter your website’s URL and click “Audit.”
    3. Review your overall score and the list of prioritized recommendations.
  • Key Features: Judges your site on on-page SEO, links, usability, performance, and social signals. Gives your page an overall score and breaks down the recommendations by how important they are.

Tool #2: Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest

  • Traffic Focus: Ubersuggest goes beyond on-page SEO, giving insights on your traffic and keywords.
  • Wider Analysis: Runs an audit on up to 150 pages of your website.
  • How to Use It:
    1. Go to Ubersuggest (link below).
    2. Type in your domain and hit “Search.”
    3. Click on the “Site Audit” section in the menu.
    4. Wait for the report to generate.
    5. Check your score and the “SEO Issues” list. Filter by “Critical Errors” to prioritize.
  • Key Features: Shows errors and warnings across all analyzed pages. Estimates difficulty of fixing issues and their impact on rankings.

Bonus Tip: Check for Broken Links

Broken links (links that lead to nowhere) are a big turn-off for Google and your visitors. Find them easily with a free broken link checker tool (I’ll include a link on how to use them!).

Remember: Don’t neglect blog posts and other content! While tools are amazing, they’re just one part of a strong SEO strategy.

SEO Audit Tools (Links):

  • SEO Optimer
  • RankMath
  • Broken Link Checker
  • Ahref Authority Score

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